My number ONE morning stretch!

While I LOVE the classic Cat/Cow stretch (where you arch your back up and down in this position), it misses a super important part of our backs: the SIDES. Here’s my solution to this problem…

Stretch it out, baby! I believe that this is the move that every woman with back pain should be doing every morning.


There are a ton of different sized muscles that are attached to the sides of our spines.

And many times, they tighten up when we sit or lay down too long without moving.

That’s why I’ve recommended this exercise to hundreds of my clients during the past 10 years!

And the best part? It’s so simple.

  1. Start on your hands and knees

  2. Gently arch your body side-to-side, feeling the stretch on the sides of your waist and lower back (5x per side)

Feels so good!

If you’re a visual learner, click HERE to check out the Reel I made about this exercise!

Have you tried it yet? 😊


Unlock Your Spinal Health Journey: Introducing My YouTube Channel!


Please…Lift With Your Legs!