The 6-week program to learn step-by-step how to heal your back pain naturally & quickly at home without lengthy exercise regimens.

Get Comfortable
One time

Get immediate, lifetime access to the 6-week program to learn step-by-step how to heal your back pain naturally and quickly and become the woman you want to be as you create a body you LOVE.

✓ Easy, interactive workbook
✓ Unlimited lifetime access to all modules
✓ Access to private Facebook group for support
✓ Printable guided journal
Get Comfortable + Coaching
One time
For 3 months

Love 1:1 support? Get immediate access to the 6-week program PLUS three 1-hour coaching sessions with Kelly to learn step-by-step how to heal your back pain naturally and quickly and become the woman you want to be as you create a body you LOVE.

✓ Three 1-hour coaching sessions
✓ Easy, interactive workbook
✓ Unlimited lifetime access to all modules
✓ Access to private Facebook group for support
✓ Printable guided journal